Saturday, March 20, 2010

3 weeks in Sydney, AUS

La Traviata at the Sydney Opera House
Price of the ticket (just a few rows from stage, almost dead center): $275
Price I, as a student, paid for that ticket: $55

Front row center, price of ticket: $30, thanks to the daily lottery for cheap tickets

Bondi Beach
Only cost us the bus trip there, and dinner/Sangria on occasion. Awesome place.

Taronga Zoo
Adult price: $41
Student price: $28 Thank you, Tech
Drew and I got to pet a wallaby (tiny kangaroo) and a wombat (huge mammal, looks like a teddy bear). The wombat tried to climb the fence, and tried to bite Drew. He was completely adorable. Also adorable, the tiny sugar gliders that ran across the glass walls of their cage. Too cute! We also saw an emu, grey kangaroos, and a platypus.

Mardi Gras
Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras, to be precise. We went to see Wicked the night of the parade. It was an interesting weekend, though.

Avatar and Alice in Wonderland at IMAX
I had never seen Avatar, so this was awesome.
Alice, obviously amazing (if you know my love of Johnny Depp)
$23 for students

Fish market
I didn’t like fish before coming on this trip, but I’ve opened my mind to some of it, including mussels, which I never thought I’d like but I do

I ate kangaroo. It was interesting. The chef wouldn’t cook it past medium, which is the rarest I’ve ever eaten a meat, but it was pretty good regardless. Way too expensive though. $25

Awesome! We went into the Blue Mountains to a cave called the Plughole, and we went adventure caving. It was my first time really caving, and I loved it. I can’t wait to do it again! $70

Sydney Aquarium
Pretty cool place, definitely worth the trip. We saw dugongs, which are like ocean manatees. Also had a student rate, but I don’t remember what it was.

We went to several markets in Sydney, including Paddy’s, which wound up being our main shopping center for three weeks.

We got to pet wild possums in the park just up the street from our hotel! I sat in the grass near a tree and let them come up to me, and I got to pet at least 5 of them. It was amazing. They’re adorable, not like our possums back home. Cost: nothing at all

If you didn’t catch the common theme, Sydney is very student-friendly. They want students to be able to experience things that we would otherwise be unable to experience, like amazing seats at an opera. No student would ever pay $275 for their first opera, and even if they wanted to they probably wouldn’t be able to. We were able to gain an appreciation for opera without breaking the bank. Overall, Sydney was a great success.

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