Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"If that was a lion..."

So these last couple of days have been interesting. We started classes Monday (which was 2 days ago, not yesterday) at 8am. This wasn't too bad, because our bodies have no idea what time it is anyway, and 8am here is 2pm at home, so we were pretty awake. I had Environmental ethics from 8-9:30, then a 2 hour break, then Island Biogeography from 11:30-1. Not too bad, considering I'm done with classes for the day after that.

It's still a little chilly here, but Dr. Garton said that it's supposed to warm up in the next day or so. The Kiwis (locals) say that this is the coldest summer they can remember. So I vote for stopping the whining about global warming. Just saying.

We've been to 2 concerts in the Botanic Garden, and played on the playground and in the circle tree (perfect for climbing) a lot. I swear when you get to college, you revert back to your 8-year-old self.

So we were walking back from the gardens night before last (Tuesday night) and we walk by a fence, and Aerin just randomly announces, "if that was a lion, you would have freakin' died." We turned around, and there was this huge cat perched on top of the fence pawing at us as we walked by. Priceless.

This weekend we are heading to the south island for some adventuring. I have to rent a car and drive on the wrong side of the road, since I'm the only one of my group who is 21, so it should be pretty interesting. We're planning on sea kayaking, which will be fun since I've never kayaked in my life. We're also hiking, and I know we have other things planned but I have no idea what those plans are. I just figure that since I'm driving, I can't get left out of anything. It's good to be in control :)

It's 10:35am, so I have another class in an hour. We plan to do a lot after class, so I'm thinking it's powernap time.

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